Mamy szczenięta!We have puppies!
16.11.2024 przyszły na świat dzieci naszej Natalie Mio Amore Bi-Bi ???? mamy pieska i suczkę????
We have puppies d.o.b 16.11 2024 1 boy &1 girl ????
2 x CACIB Dortmund Germany
Olaf Alwaro CAC,CACIB,Herbstsieger 2024,BOB
9.11. Bundessieger
Olaf Alwaro CAC,CACIB,Bundessieger 2024,CQ,BOB
CACIB Bratislava SK
judge Busta Jan Cz
Pankracy Alwaro very promising :-)
European Dog Show Celje ,Slovenia
judge Bo Skalin Sweden
We are so happy Nolen and Abi did a great job
29.09.2024 CACIB Dog Show Wrocław Pl
judge Arne Foss
Petronella Alwaro FCI very promising Best Minor Puppy, BOB Minor Puppy
Fidorka Temperance Star StMartin CWC,CACIB,BOB
28.09.2024 CACIB Dog Show Komarom Hungary
judge Katalin Kiss
15.09. Špeciálna výstava Bichon klub Slovensko Vojka nad Dunajom
7-8.09.2024 2 x CACIB Dog Show Leipzig Germany
judges Julia Dodeck , Sylke Rodmann Germany
Olaf Alwaro 2 x CAC,2 x CACIB, 2 x BOB !!!
2 x CAC Dog Show Munster Germany
Olaf nowym Championem Niemiec !Olaf is the new German Champion!
2 x CACIB Dog Show Ludwigshafen Germany
judges Karina Biala -Gaus D , Zsolt Csaba Lokodi Ro
Olaf Alwaro 2 x CAC,2x CACIB,2 x BOB ,Rheinland-Pfalz-Sieger !!!
2xCACIB DoG Show Oldenburg ,Germany
Olaf Alwaro 2xCAC,2xCACIB,BOB !!!
Second day CAC Nidda ,Germany
judge Francesco Cochetti I
Olaf Alwaro CAC :-)
Verbandssieger Nidda 2024 Germany
29.06-30.06.2024 Weekend w Finlandii
Our puppies are 7 weeks old
5-7.07.2024 CAC & CACIB Dog Show Wisła
We have puppies!!
25.05.2024 Saturday brought us another great joy We welcomed the children of Wanted As Prototype & Mirabella Mio Amore Bi-Bi into the world We have two beautiful boys and one beautiful girl